Apache Hive ORC vs TextFile Format


Video Link - https://youtu.be/Mw5GynxCWoQ

Text File Format 

create table table1(pid INT, pname STRING, drug STRING,gender STRING,tot_amt INT) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;

load data local inpath '/home/ubuntu/<file>.txt' into table table1;

load data local inpath '/home/ubuntu/<file>.txt' into table table1;

show create table table1;

ORC File Format

create table table2(pid INT, pname STRING, drug STRING,gender STRING,tot_amt INT)row format delimited fields terminated by ',' STORED AS orc ;

insert overwrite table table2 select * from table1;

show create table table2;

Now run the below command and check for the time difference 

select count(*) from table1 where tot_amt =110;

select count(*) from table2 where tot_amt =110;
